The Haunted Studios™ Original Maltese Falcon, The Real Maltese Falcon - This is the original and authentic Haunted Studios™ casting that we have offered exclusively for over 55 years. We are the authentic source since 1963. Make no mistake, this is not a sculpture or an interpretation, but an authentic casting of a real motion picture hand prop that had been in use for over 20 years when we acquired it in 1963. Click here to read the full history of The Real Maltese Falcon™.
This is the full feather detailed Falcon that is the basis of our 1941 Maltese Falcon prop replica, cast in reinforced, rock hard foam filled polyurethane resin with a weighted base for stability

Select the 10, 20, or 25 pound heavyweight option - Our Haunted Studios 55th Anniversary Edition, a heavyweight solid lead filled polyurethane resin statue with a minimum shipping weight of 10, 20, or 30 pounds, this is the Falcon by which all others are judged. We use 100 percent recycled lead in all of our heavyweight Falcons, fully encapsulated in resin for ultimate safety. We guarantee that each heavyweight Falcon will be within 8 oz. of your selected weight. It might be a bit over or a bit under, but never by more than 8 oz.
Our Original Maltese Falcon is featured exclusively in the documentary from Warner Brothers, The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird. Producers Leva Filmworks chose The Real Maltese Falcon™ to star as the famous black bird in their documentary, part of a three disk Special Edition Maltese Falcon DVD set from Warner Entertainment.

Screen shots from The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird are ©Warner Bros. Entertainment 2006 all rights reserved